Friday, July 09, 2004

The Rotating Glass

You ever have that favorite glass, or cup, or mug or whatever, that you refuse to wash because it'll take too long, and you may miss another opportunity to fill it up? I've had a variety of them.
A few years ago, when I was still in high school, I had a grey, plastic cup, one that I had found at a gas station. You know, one of those tall ones, like you get when you buy like, 50 gallons of pop, but a generic one, very plain grey. I had a holster for it too, a belt clip I bought for holding my prop lightsaber. To convert my cup for easy access without having to carry it and books and stuff, I stuck a keyring on the handle, and clipped it to my belt. Eventually, I lost the cup, but it's not really gone, as long as I remember the way it lived(*sniff*).
Then, I had a blue one, and a red one, just tall, plain-looking cups, and oddly colored. They only served their purpose, I really didn't feel anything about them. But their loss still hit me.
Recently, I've had a tall, plain-looking green one. Like a neon green, it nearly keeps me up during the day, it's so bright. But as with my other cups, it's used to hold only water. I really don't understand the coffee thing, I'd rather drink something that's not pushing my stress levels up and forcing me awake, thank you. Not that the water here is anything fantastic. It's kinda hard, and a little fluoridic(is that a word?). But it's water, and fulfills my requirement.
One day, I'm sure I'll lose the green one, as I have with the others. On that day, I shall go out and buy a new cup, as a way of remembering the great loyalty and strength shown to me by its predecessor.



Blogger Herph said...

The cup has died. Its replacement has big shoes to fill.

2:00 AM  

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