Saturday, November 12, 2005

Flip Wilson

The cable man came...and went, after drilling two holes in the walls.
(Cable Man Enters)
Me: Hi.
Cable Man: You wanted two holes drilled?
Me:(beat) Yup.
And he went and drilled them with no questions asked. The note from the landlord I was supposed to provide, y'know, the one I had to wait a week for, 'cause the guy was out of town? Didn't even ask for it. All I did was point, and he drilled. Like magic.
My digital camera is in White Bear Lake Minnesota, either awaiting warranty confirmation or actually being fixed. I had to go to Best Buy to get a copy of my old receipt, but they couldn't print it. I ended up with some sort of half-receipt thing that has the item number and the date, so I had to get another copy of my August bank statement with the purchase date on it, and circle information so I wouldn't have to deal with sending them a fax again, which cost $6.00, thank you very much.
Monkeys are funny.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Harry Potter and the Rastafarian Muppet

Misleading: yes.
So, we're finally moved in to our place in the west end, since Matt went over to the old apartment yesterday and found a cleaning crew boxing up everything we didn't(Dirty dishes and all). It's slowing down, the frantic-ness, and things are getting easier. Like today, I'm going to wash some clothes downstairs, and it'll take a couple hours. For all my clothes. Ah, new appliances are great. Especially when you don't pay for them.
I bought a new bookshelf a couple of days ago. It looks nice, all fancy wood grained pulp boards and rubber pegs. I was able to fill three shelves right after me and Terry put it up...and there's three more shelves to go. I don't know, I guess I'll go and get some of my old books from my parent's house. Well, the ones I want to read again, anyway. The other ones are pretty much all downstairs, because Matt shares about 75% of my book collection(meaning he has most of the same books I have) and that's about 1/5 of his books. I want to say a third of his collection is Neil Gaiman, but it's probably less.
The cable man has pretty much refused to drill holes in the walls here, but they're sending someone out on Monday to "check it out." It was a very interesting conversation:
Me: I have my note, so when can you start drilling?
CM: Yeah, um, Minnesota and Wisconsin have had a 'no drill' policy in effect for a few years now.
Me: Uh...
CM: So you're going to need an electrician to install the cable.
Me: About a year ago, you guys drilled through the wall of my old apartment.
Me: So...
CM: Y'know, how about if we just send someone out there on Monday and see what happens?
Now, I don't know what this means. Am I supposed to bribe this guy, or give him the secret handshake or something? Or is he just gonna drill like he's supposed to? It is a great mystery, filled with canals of mistruths and veins of treachery. And sewage. And some raisins.