Monday, September 20, 2004

Uh-huh. Right. (Weirdo.)

Well, today wasn't that bad, considering. I goofed off at work, charged some Star Wars Minis to my account, read comics, and generally was a nuisance to everyone around me. Jesse(new guy) showed up in a fuzzy pirate hat, as it was the annual 'Speak Like a Pirate Day!' today. He wouldn't stop saying 'Argh!' for some reason. There's more to being a pirate than just saying 'Argh!', chump. Not that I'd do much better, but it's always fun pointing out the shortcomings of others. Plus, I'd already celebrated the holiday on Friday, 'cause Bob&Tom was doing an all-'Speak Like a Pirate'-weekend.

The day was pretty much solid non-pissy. I worked, went to the 'rents house, ate some free food(tuna salad, one of the best pieces of combination food ever created by man, perfected by my mother. She had me take the whole damned bowl home with me), hung out with Melissa for a little while(haven't seen her in forever), and I felt fucking invincible at work. I don't know why, just that I was extremely optimistic, and cheery. Kinda freaked out some of the regulars that are used to good ol' gloomy me.

As the night went on, I stepped on my broom handle and hit myself in the face. I said "Ow," smiled really huge, and snickered for a good ten minutes.
I love pratfalls, strangely enough, only when they happen to me. Like once, I was bowling, and I swung back to roll the ball, but it fell out of my hands and rolled backwards. I got applause, so naturally, I bowed.

I don't know what it is, but whenever I get hurt, and it seems pretty bad, it's funny to me. I think it reminds me I'm human. Or maybe that karma is a funny thing. [pause for laugh]
Yeah, so life proves itself to be good once again, through little reminders and subtle hints.


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