Monday, August 30, 2004

Been a While

Yeah, I guess I've been slacking off a bit, but I have a good reason. You see...Ah, forget it, I have no reason. Not like it matters. The only person I'd be in trouble with is myself.
So what's new? Well, apparently, not much. Been feeling like the grind is becoming more and more routine, so weeks are flying by and I can barely keep up. I mean, damn, I just got paid last week, on Thursday and Friday, and it already feels like I'm midway through the next week, because the next two days are my 'slack-off' days. Not that I mind, of course, it's just that I feel pretty useless.
Got a couple new CD's last week. More Azumanga stuff, again. Dear God, please cleanse my body of this obsession. I don't think it's unhealthy or anything, I just get a little spend-happy when I see something I haven't seen yet. This is why I have trouble deciding what I want for Christmas, or my birthday, or whatever. I am a...Crap what is that word again? Oh, right, Impulse Shopper. I see something I want, and if I have the resources(meaning extra money), I usually get it, whatever it is. Still have trouble buying Maxim, though. You'd think being 23 and all, I would be comfortable enough to get a thing as simple as a magazine without feeling anxiety and having to psyche myself up beforehand. Oh, well.
Thus ends my blah-ing. Onto more important matters, like foreign cuisine!



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