Saturday, September 11, 2004


You know what? I hate T.V. There's no frigging point to it anymore. All you see are the same recycled reality shows about some guy being a dick to a girl, or to other guys, or on an island. And the soap opera-esque dramedies on Fox and NBC. Who asked for this crap? Not me, obviously. Was I asleep when people decided to make television into a forum for women that can't seem to get enough of a bastard? No wonder I can't get a date. The stereotypes of real-life assholes are represented perfectly, while all of us nice guys get hogtied, and pushed down into some snakewater.
Yeah, listen to me bitching about nothing. Hey- this should be a reality show! I just sit there, with a camera on me, and I talk about nothing of relevance. Oh wait, Andy Rooney has that job already. Damnit.
So, anyway, here's something completely unrelated!


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