Tuesday, September 21, 2004

What the Hell?

Yeah, found this old column from the cobwebs surrounding my old site, hawkbat.com. It's from May, I think. Maybe April. Whatever.

Well. Here I am, embarrassed. I haven't updated the site for, oh, about a month. I'm such a slacker. I shall be boiled in oil and hung by the arms in the Village Square so my burnt, mangled body could be used as a tetherball.
Okay, enough small talk.
Not much has been going on, lately. I've been working, and working, and attempting to sleep, but it sorta doesn't work that well for me. I mean, I sleep, but not for a long period. Mostly I sleep for four hours, wake up, am up for an hour or so, and fall back to sporadic sleep (is that how you spell sporadic? Ah, dictionary.com says it is. Good.). I'm not understanding this problem. But, it's not that big a deal, and will probably work itself out.
It's been about two weeks since Aurora ran off, and it's hard to get over. Don't tell Sebastian, but she is kinda my favorite. He's such a goon, and he's really bored now, 'cos y'know, no one to fight with. Matt's thinking about getting a kitten so Sebastian's not so lonely, but then again, so am I. I think I might, I dunno. Never had an actual pet before. Well, my family had a dog, Penny, our old...don't remember what breed, but dog. She was blonde, with white underneath. kinda dumb, but considering she was a blonde...and a dog...well, you get the picture. So, I'm thinking a gray one, or whatever strikes me when I'm there. At the Animal Shelter, I mean. They say they have lots of kittens, so me and Dev (Devora. I've talked about her before) will take a trip down and see. Since she has a kitten, she'll probably have some insight on the temperaments of them. I think I'll be able to find one with a good personality, but they're so small and young it's going to be a chore, so two people have a good chance at finding a good'n.


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