Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Old Archive - May 4, 2004

Hey, everybody. Me again.

'Cause of the nature of this site, and the new posts every now n' then, I'm gonna post some of my old columns from my website. (sniff) Goodbye, hawkbatdesign.com.


Yeah, just another Tuesday.
Think I have Pneumonia again. Took me a while to get out of bed, even though I had a meeting to go to at noon. And I've been hacking flem like it's going out of style. And sneezing, too. Luckily, I'm not sneezing all over something when it happens.
So, enough about me.
Wait. This is about me. Huh.
Anyway, just watched some Azumanga Daioh for a few days. I have no idea what it is about this show, but it's one of my favorite anime series now. Right up there with Bebop and FLCL. Well, FLCL is a recent addition as well, and there's only six episodes, compared to Bebop and A.D.'s 26 each. But there's nothing wrong with it! It's graphic at times(FLCL, that is), and the themes are always adult-oriented, but (crap, am I getting off-topic. I'd better wrap this up quick.) in conclusion, these are series that are good.(there.)
Later in the day, after the first meeting, Jack, Blackie and I went to (insert generic discount bookstore name here) to scout what we want to put in the bookroom when it's done. To begin with, we checked series availability on our competition's shelves, and they had quite a bit of DragonLance, which we have a lot of as well, so, bases covered. We ruled out getting novels of Buffy, Mechwarrior, Babylon 5, and Star Trek(at least for a while), and chose to add some Mystery(some gray-area stuff, like psychic detectives and things). Then we noticed they have quite a manga selection(larger than ours), so we added that to the list. And their Horror section was mixed in with the regular fiction, so we're going to keep ours separate.
After our recon mission, we ate at (insert chain mall family-style restaurant), and discussed Blackie's previous DM weirdness. I won't go into much detail because there's a lot of subject matter. Anyway, it was all about her group trying their damnedest to derail.
The actual meeting was good, because for most of it, it was just us three, then Mr. Manager man sorta interspersed every few minutes 'cause he was busy. Mark quit on Sunday, but it wasn't a surprise. We knew it was going to happen either before or after that Sunday's meeting. Yeah, either we have too many meetings at once, or we have none for a long time. Crazy.
Went for a walk with Devorah, my neighbor, the one with the insane cat, who tries to kill me. Kinda weird, 'cause this one character in Azumanga Daioh has the same experience with one cat every day. Tries to pet it, be nice, y'know, but gets attacked. Funny, but sadly relatable.
Haven't seen the season finale of Tru Calling yet, but I recorded it. Just saving it, I guess.
Just noticed how much a background song on Inu-Yasha sounds like the Star Trek battle music from that episode where Kirk has to fight Spock. Speaking of unrelated things, who likes Muk-Luks?

The old Logo. Posted by Hello

Monday, June 28, 2004

The Wet Toe

Well, this is it. Today is the day that I get back into gaming for real. Unfortunately, it's not tabletop. Well, sorta, but not really. I will be rolling dice, but it's a instant message thing, so there's no real human interaction here. Just floating electrons hurtling through space pretending to be people. I could cheat, but that's cheating me(I sound so responsible, don't I?), 'cause I haven't gamed for a year now.

The last gaming I did was I played a Buffy campaign, a short one, and this is the same GM. He's in Korea, and I could be gaming if I wanted to, but I'm either too lazy or too shy to actually get off my ass and ask someone if I could join in. Kinda my outlook on dating. Surprise!

So today I'm playing a Vampire game. The Masquerade, specifically. Well, to begin with, I'm going to start as a human, a mafia hug, really. Then I suppose I get turned. Or something. I dunno. Haven't played a game like this before. Not like I've never played a World of Darkness game or anything, just not Vampire.

And it's in about...45 minutes, so I'm gonna get ready. I don't need to shave or anything, just finding my character sheet, and dice. Oh, there they are. Sitting next to the computer.

Wish me luck!


Sunday, June 27, 2004


There comes a time, as is the course of all things(be it bellbottoms, wrist rockets, or milk), to expire.

As of this week, I will no longer have my very own web page. Not that I was doing much with it anyway. I had a few links to IMDB and Google, some columns, and a nice-looking logo. The logo is still mine, by the way. So, anyway, in a few days time, www.hawkbatdesign.com will be no more. Yahoo sent a notification on the 24th saying I had a week to pay off the monthly fee, so I waived it. Didn't Geocities give out web sites free back in the day? Now that they're owned by the big 'Y', they got all corporate.

Don't mind me, gripe coming through.

And, weirdly enough, though I spent more time and effort on creating my website, with the pasting and the positioning and the pretty colors, I feel more connected to this one, the Calf, which took me a grand total of three minutes to make, 'cause it was a pre-made template site. Plus I get to make these little comments here, real easily, and they show up like nothing! I don't have to link them anywhere! As my friend Anthony's fruit roll-up equivalent said, "Poof! Magic!" Little web gnomes are hard at work to deliver the bits and bytes for your monitor elves to interpret and draw backwards upon your screen(yes, Virginia, this is why your computer lags).

So, as is the custom in my culture, to mourn loss of fundamentally worthless things, I bid a farewell to hawkbatdesign.com, to its peach background and pinkish crisscross bars, the outlined logo, and all of the little files I had to create(that are floating somewhere in the abyss as we speak) to get it where it is now.

Godspeed(someone, somewhere, is playing Amazing Grace on bagpipes. The only way bagpipes can be played).


Saturday, June 26, 2004

e-2 Posted by Hello

e-1 Posted by Hello

Not Knowing, Not Seeing

Heh. Lured you, didn't I? Well, I should hope so. This is what I do, luring. Not in the biblical sense, though. Just with eye-catching titles like this one.

Yeah, I'm not sure what it means. I thought it sounded cool, though. So, here it is.

And yeah, this isn't exactly a breeding ground for excellent writing or anything, just my small chunk of the world, relevant or no.
