Monday, August 30, 2004

Been a While

Yeah, I guess I've been slacking off a bit, but I have a good reason. You see...Ah, forget it, I have no reason. Not like it matters. The only person I'd be in trouble with is myself.
So what's new? Well, apparently, not much. Been feeling like the grind is becoming more and more routine, so weeks are flying by and I can barely keep up. I mean, damn, I just got paid last week, on Thursday and Friday, and it already feels like I'm midway through the next week, because the next two days are my 'slack-off' days. Not that I mind, of course, it's just that I feel pretty useless.
Got a couple new CD's last week. More Azumanga stuff, again. Dear God, please cleanse my body of this obsession. I don't think it's unhealthy or anything, I just get a little spend-happy when I see something I haven't seen yet. This is why I have trouble deciding what I want for Christmas, or my birthday, or whatever. I am a...Crap what is that word again? Oh, right, Impulse Shopper. I see something I want, and if I have the resources(meaning extra money), I usually get it, whatever it is. Still have trouble buying Maxim, though. You'd think being 23 and all, I would be comfortable enough to get a thing as simple as a magazine without feeling anxiety and having to psyche myself up beforehand. Oh, well.
Thus ends my blah-ing. Onto more important matters, like foreign cuisine!


Monday, August 23, 2004

Dr. My Eyes

For some reason, after I wrote that big spiel on life, the universe and everything, I got tapped out. It was like I couldn't write after that. But now I'm better, so here's the grand ideal I hope you are becoming accustomed to.


Friday, August 20, 2004

The Shortest Class President Ever Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Random Things - Strung Together?

Life, as we know it, is strange.
There's intervals of time that seem to pass either faster or slower without acknowledgement.
Items that you once had and/or cherished disappear and we take no notice.
Animals sense danger, evil and perhaps the fate of loved ones and we sit uncaring or unwilling to question.
Death approaches ever nearer, and yet, we heed no warnings. As they say, 'Que sera, sera.'
But to act upon, study, linger in thought within these topics is sick, and disturbing. Well, so is my use of commas, but I digress.
It's funny how everyone slants toward a life that may or may not mean anything in the long run, could or couldn't be considered a failure, will or will not leave a lasting impression upon the world as we know it, or history as we write it.
Life, as a collection of experiences, is faulty. Because once these experiences are through being collected, there might not be anyone left to remember them. Which is why we put a strut in our steps, sneer at the ugly people, trip and fall down stairs, laugh at bad jokes, and generally become a nuisance to everyone around us. Otherwise, the alternative is to seek refuge in a bottomless chasm of fear and paranoia, only looking back out long enough to see the wreck the world is, the horrible atrocities performed by our leaders and ourselves, and maybe grab a cold one and go back to a false sense of reality, one that pats you on the head and says, "Great job, friend! You're important! You may just be someone that matters!"
Or maybe I'm just really tired.
And worn out from staring at:

"Because I am not planted in the ground. I am held upright on a plate of cold granite."

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Well, things have settled. Life is good. Cable works, which means everything works. Blue Monday #2 came out, so I've been reading it like mad, though it's only one issue. And the Devorah situation seems to have resolved itself, finally. She's apparently hung up on me, but she's not looking for a serious relationship. Just a casual, fling-thing. Which, to me, is death. Any woman that wants to have a serious relationship out there, please raise your hand.
Oh, well. Doesn't matter. I've gone this long without dating, so I can go longer.
Bored tonight. Not much going on, besides me typing here at the lonely box™(yep, that's what I call it. It's copyrighted, too). Might hang out with my sister, might just sit here and dick around for the night. It gets boring after a while. Damn you, internet!

Monday, August 09, 2004

Great new pic IMDB put up in honor of Hollywood Brunettes. Posted by Hello

Friday, August 06, 2004

All Done

Well, I'm done moving in now. It only took a few days, then I had to set everything up, like the computer and my T.V. and stuff. Then the cable got set up on Wednesday, so I had to deal with that too. So, proving from this post, the internet works, but not on my computer. Isn't it wonderful? The router dosn't seem to like my computer, or the cable or something, so I have to shell out some cash for a new network cable, one that's at least 40" long, so I can string it to my room from Chris'.
But, since Chris works usually during the day, I get free reign over his computer while he's gone. Whee. My IM-ing isn't on this computer, and I'd rather not set it up 'cause what's the point? Once I get the cable, I'll just have to throw it out anyway.
What else? Hmm.
Oh, I don't know. I suppose that's it. Hooray.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Less Stress is Best

So, finally, after an exhaustive search of Duluth and the surrounding area, we found an apartment at the last minute(*phew*). I'm pretty much moved in. Most of my junk, electronics and such are hooked up, but the cable won't be up 'till Wednesday. So, I'll be pretty bored for two days, just watching some stock anime I have. Sebastian is still at the old place for now, but he'll be moved in by tonight. The old place looks really empty. Y'know, except for all of the garbage all over the place. In various bags and loosely scattered.
The worst is over now, though. For me, anyway. Matt still has to move his big-ass couch up those stairs, and the biggest thing I have to worry about is where to put my loveseat.
The place is nice, except there's a shower problem, with the water basically not coming out at all. And Chris is concerned about the toilet, but I doubt it's that big a deal. I mean, who spends that much time on the can, anyway?
Devorah still has my Buffy season 4, might have to hunt her down for it.
